We would like to see and feature photos of Sakura Martial Arts Supplies customers in action or using the products purchased from our web site at http://www.sakuramartialarts.com.
Outstanding shots will earn a gift certificate and will be featured on our web site.
Only photos submitted by registered customers who have made a purchase from our web site will be accepted.
Submit existing action photos in jpg format taken from training, testing, tournaments etc. or take some quality photos of the the items purchased from Sakura Martial Arts Supplies in action, being worn, used, or displayed. If you have any photo editing software, please optimize each photo for web delivery and viewing.
Upload the photo(s) to a site on the web so we can review and download the photo(s). Send the the web address of the photos to the address below. If you do not have web space to post your photos, you can send the photos to: sakuramartialarts@gmail.com
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